Urban Church and After-School Ministry | JustLead
Emerald Youth Foundation is committed to ministering with Knoxville’s urban young people right where they live, attend school and play.
That’s why JustLead, our youth leadership program, is implemented through a network of urban neighborhood churches and faith-based organizations located throughout Knoxville.
JustLead provides:
Safe places for kids to be discipled, learn and have fun;
Support for churches and youth leaders with training, mentoring and conferencing opportunities;
Resources for current youth development programs, including the curriculum materials, tracking methods and best practices of Emerald Youth Foundation;
Advocacy on behalf of urban youth and their families; and
New opportunities for youth development on age-level and neighborhood needs.
JustLead’s afterschool program for elementary and middle school students includes tutoring, homework help, health/fitness/nutrition instruction, field trips and service learning opportunities. Additionally, we offer discipleship opportunities for all ages, including mid-week Bible study, small groups, corporate worship and inter-generational faith activities.
The JustLead Bible curriculum is specifically written to promote discussion between adults and youths about major Biblical themes. The curriculum is an original production of Emerald Youth Foundation.
JustLead provides safe places for kid to be discipled, learn and have fun