Rise Up: For Every Child — Living Out John 10:10
There are thousands of incredible young people in our city. Throughout the Rise Up campaign, we will be sharing some of their stories. We invite you to rise up and make more stories like these possible.
Neisha Pascal
Neisha Pascal
Neisha Pascal has been connected with Emerald Youth since the first grade.
Currently a high school freshman, she invests time each week in Emerald’s afterschool and church youth ministry at Second United Methodist Church in Mechanicsville.
“I really like meeting new people, and Emerald has given me that opportunity over the years. I love the camp experiences, trips, and so much that Emerald offers.”
Neisha enjoys serving as a homework helper to younger kids at the church, and on Wednesday nights, she faithfully participates in Bible study and worship.
“The adults break down scripture for us and make it understandable. Especially when I was younger, they made it so easy to learn. I love it because they give us real life examples to relate to, and that helps me apply what I’ve learned when I’m at school the rest of the week.”
Neisha appreciates that Emerald’s staff and volunteers are not shy. She loves that they are so welcoming, which has helped her open up and be herself.
“I would encourage people to support Emerald, because we would miss out on so much if they didn’t!”
Jaden Angel, right, with his mom, Sylvia.
Jaden Angel
As a third-grade scholar at Emerald Academy, Jaden Angel loves his school and all it has to offer since he began attending in kindergarten.
“I like the teachers and how great the school is. I like how they encourage us to try our best! My favorite subjects are math and science.”
Even at such a young age, Jaden speaks highly of the Emerald Academy experience: when asked how would he encourage a peer to attend the school, he answered, “Emerald Academy can feel like home. Sometimes when you actually have to go home, you feel frustrated because you want to stay longer at school!”
Outside of school, Jaden enjoys playing music and being active in sports, including Emerald Youth’s wrestling team – which had an eternal difference this past season. Jaden’s mother, Sylvia, shared that when he would return to the car following practice, he talked about how the coaches would pray for the wrestlers. “And that conversation would cause us to pray together,” she said.
Ultimately, Jaden gave his life to Christ.
“I decided I wanted to get baptized, and I am a better person now than I used to be, because Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins,” he said. “It means a lot to me to believe in Jesus.”
Elizabeth Purulla
Elizabeth Purulla
Since being a player in the early days of Emerald Youth’s soccer program, Elizabeth Purulla has seen the ministry grow for more than a decade.
Now as a young adult, she serves in a part-time role in Emerald’s after-school program.
“I like how Emerald connects with and reaches out to the community,” she said. “Also, the long-term relationships the volunteers and staff have with children is so important. Those relationships impacted me growing up in Emerald, whether I needed help, advice, or just with anything else going on in my life.”
Elizabeth is passionate about serving youth.
“I really like giving back to the kids today what I was given throughout the years. When people cared for me as a child here, it made a huge difference.”
She also recognizes the importance of her Hispanic ethnicity and serving as a role model to children with a background similar to hers.
“I remember when I was little, I was one of a few Hispanic children in Emerald, and it’s great that I can now use my experience to be a role model. It’s a big responsibility!”
Adrian Martinez
Adrian Martinez
Adrian Martinez is a sophomore at Fulton and has been engaged with Emerald Youth for seven years.
“I first connected with Emerald playing soccer, and eventually got involved with the track and field program.”
He regularly attends Emerald Youth’s high school Calling & Career Ministry, which has “…opened my eyes to career opportunities and helped me a lot in school. I’ve also learned about different ethnicities and how to relate with others,” he said.
Looking toward the future, Adrian loves engineering and hopes to pursue it in college.
Adrian is grateful that Emerald is a place where he can feel comfortable. “The adults are really nice, supporting and accepting.”
On Wednesday nights, he likes helping serve Emerald’s middle school youth, and he also keeps his plate full with many interests. He is in the Navy Junior ROTC, photography club and yearbook club.